Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2016 4th Quarter: Virtually English!

Well, it's been a weird, wild ride, but here we are. And we are going to English the HECK out of this last quarter!

For a full syllabus, click here: https://goo.gl/HtohKN

Introduction and Pahuhopu

Kawaikini NCPCS
Kumu Rebecca Stevenson
Text @ 808-430-3767

April 11, 2016
We’ve come to the end of the year through many twists and turns, but here we are, filled with aloha and concern for the learning and achievement of the keiki of Kawaikini. We are united in that goal, and their success will carry us all forward! I mua!

Pahuhopu o Keia Hapakau:
All secondary students will write and revise their writing;  read and reflect on their reading. They will be held to high standards and allowed to progress from where they are.

Students need to show growth and improvement-- from WHERE THEY BEGIN. For example, students who begin with only a few sentences will show growth by writing an entire essay. Students who begin with a full essay will show growth by writing with style, originality and voice. Students must incorporate the feedback I give them individually to show their growth.
HOWEVER. I cannot be flexible with due dates with this course. Students MUST FIND A WAY to get their assignments to me on time. Google docs, email, text-- whatever it takes, GET THE ASSIGNMENTS TO ME ON TIME.

All assignments meet Common Core English Language Arts Standards for writing and reading. Essay Types:
Informative/Explanatory CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2
See www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/ for in depth information about the standards, and the reminder worksheet below for more information about essays.

Cultural Connection:
We look to Kawaikini’s ESLRs and mission and vision to guide our engagement with Hawaiian culture. Each essay assignment reflects a portion of these nuukia:
ESLRS: Ola Pono/Healthy Lives, College/Career and Global Community, Academic Excellence, Hawaiian Language, Manokalanipo: Knowledge and love for Kauai, Behave in a Culturally Appropriate manner.
Nuukia: We envision a thoughtful, knowledgeable, and healthy community where the language, beliefs and practices of the indigenous people of Hawaii have become instinctive.
Ala Nuukia: Through the Medium of the Hawaiian language, KAwaikini New Century Public Charter School will create a supportive learning environment where indigenous cultural knowledge is valued, applied and perpetuated.

Students will submit assignments via Google drive by sharing them with KawaikiniEnglish@gmail.com. They can also contact me via text at 808-430-3767. It is VERY IMPORTANT that students check their email. THEIR GRADE DEPENDS on communicating with me. Their feedback will come from “suggested edits” on those work and via email.

For Parents:
The full syllabus is available here: https://goo.gl/HtohKN
Please follow along to see assignments, expectations, due-dates, and also a worksheet students can use to calculate their grades.
Also, see the class blog for reading lists, assignment schedules, rubrics and other useful information. KawaikiniEnglish.blogspot.com
IMPORTANT: Each student has a grade sheet that has been shared with them. It is titled “2016 English Grade: Student’s Name.” Check this document to monitor your progress!

I am an English teacher but I always grade with math. See the “Calculating Your Grade” Worksheet for a breakdown of all assignments. There is a total of 510 points. Here’s the grading scale. EVERY POINT COUNTS.
A 459-510, B 408-458, C 357-407, D 306-356, F 0-305
Each student will have their own grade sheet on Google Docs (titled 2016 Q4 English Grade: student name)that I will fill in as we go so students and parents and admin can check in real time. Make sure I have your updated email so I can share the grade sheet with you.

Extra Credit:

Extra essays, reports, poetry, book reports, interpretive dances, film reviews, scathing twitter rants-- if you do something awesome and it relates to the art of Language and I agree it’s awesome-- I can give you some extra points. Amaze me.

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