Friday, January 23, 2015

Kauai Sonnets from the Papa Ehiku

Ingredients for a sonnet:
  • 14 lines
  • 10 syllables each line
  • ABABCDCDEFEFGG Rhyme scheme.

Papa Ehiku was challenged to compose sonnets about Kauai in order to learn about rhymes and syllables. Here are the results of their work:

You are my big island in the ocean.
Oh, you are unchanged no one will beat.
Your palmtree and your fruit will make lotion.
Get a cup of lemonade to beat the heat.
I like to go to the beach by the sea.
We can go to the mountain koke’e.
We can go to the sweet home you and me.
Ea, we can go to uncles and eat some he’e.
Down in the the sun is we're we will lay.
Oh, in my heart how i very very much love.
Down the rode is hanalei bay.
We will travel to kawaikini up above.
We will go with friends to sit on sand.
I will go with to hold my hand.


Awesome babes on kauai is so hot.

the ladies on kauai is the best.

the most uluas that i ever caught.

kauai is mostly tornado less.

the house on kauai is expensive.

kauai will never get to be cheap.

when you come to kauai you gone sleep.

us folks on kauai has some secret.

on kauai has a lot of best plants.

my dog on kauai is the best pet.

we on kauai hate the fire ants.

i love kauai because get girls.

us kauaiians are the best in the world.

--E. G. M.

There is very good food at kaua’i
The stores over here have good musubi
When you get to kaua’i don’t get bully
At pono market musubi is so good
when you go to the beach you feel so free
You are da one who said you always could
When you are at a party you say chee
when you go to kaua’i you hula
If you do go to the mountain  shoot gun
Me and my friends go to are kula
if you do boring stuff, it comes fun
At koloa harbor fish take bait
So now you know, come visit it is great.

--K. G. K.

Oh Kauai you are so Beautiful
Manokalanipo how I love You
I love this island it make me Peaceful
At church we always sit at the same Pew
From here was the hawaiian super Man
On this land there are so much Pua’a
You need to be recycled cause the Cans
You are connected to America
You are so like the lone lonely Ranger
Manokalanipo’s not a small Child
In all times you are in grave grave Danger
Kaua’i you are not mild you are Wild
Kaua’i you are so great not just Bland
Manokalanipo you are so Grand





Monday, January 12, 2015

Writing Prompts (from High School Expository Writing Unit)

Daily Journal Assignment & Prompts
Assignment: Write for 30 minutes each night. Use the prompts below (based on Write Source 2000 page 50)  to stretch your thinking and challenge your writing. This is your opportunity for experimenting with words, techniques, and styles.
In Class: Share your writing and give constructive (specific) feedback

Tell the Story….
My worst day
My craziest family experience
an unforgettable dream
the hardest thing I’ve ever done
my best hour
the worst thing to wait for
the best kitchen creation
-people, teachers, relatives, classmates, coach, neighbor, bus driver, someone you wish you were like
-places: hangout, garage, classroom, rooftop, park, beach, mountain, river, yard, home
-things: games, favorite possessions, things in my backback, things in my treasure box, my bed
-just last night
-a big mistake
-a reunion
-getting hurt
-learning to….
-all wet
-getting caught
-cleaning up
-being a friend
How to… eat, make, improve, care for, entertain, impress, earn, change
The causes of...
Kinds of...friends, dreams, pain, neighbors, clouds, heroes, hawaiians, locals, tourists, homework, siblings, teachers, books, days,
Definition of… a friend, a good time, soul, a Hawaiian, a family, kuleana, teenagers, surfing
something that needs improving
something that deserves support
something that’s unfair
something that everyone should see.
Defend your beliefs
defend your choices
defend your practices….
I wonder how
Too many people
The good thing about
I hope
I just learned
One place
Technology is
I am
I will always need
I will never
I have never
I don’t regret
My secret
A day in the life of an animal
Last time I
When I played the rebel
When I’m sick
I am a part of the world
When I’m in charge
What defines me as a friend?
What are my duties?
“He that seeks trouble always finds it.”
A person I once worshipped
It sounds crazy but
Putting my foot in my mouth
I didn’t mean to
I heard
Creepy things
Whatever happened to me…
I got so angry when
Where do I draw the line?
What should everyone know
Why do people like to
What i I never forgot...

Writing Prompts (from Middle School Writing Unit)

Writing Journal Prompts
Every night, you will try your hand at one kind of creative writing or another. You can repeat prompts that you LOVE, you can skip ones you can’t get excited about.
Here are some pro-tips to make your creative writing DAZZLE:
·   Use specific verbs (“She tip-toed into the room,” not “She went into the room.”)
·   Use concrete nouns (“We ate ahi poke on white rice with shavings of dark green nori wilting into the wasabi mayonnaise,” not “We ate lunch.”
·   Avoid wimpy to-be verbs: BE, IS, AM, ARE, WERE, WAS, WOULD
·   Use sensory details (what did you see, hear, feel, taste, touch, smell?
·   As Ms. Frizzle always says, “Take risks, make mistakes, and get messy!”
Write a letter to someone-- it can be a real person, an imaginary person, a stranger, an idea, an animal-- telling about your past (your experiences), present (your values) and your future (your goals).
Write a poem about your inner life and your outer life. You can use the lines “I seem to be…but really I am…”
Tell the story of your daily journey to school in great detail
Speak for something that cannot speak for itself
Write a poem in honor of someone—silly or serious
Write HYPERBOLE—impossible exaggeration—about all the amazing things you have done
Go outside and listen and write down everything you sense
Write a letter than can never be sent
Write a poem of secrets
Write a poem of lies and truths mixed together
Write down a dream that you have had
Write a letter to your future great great grandchildren
Write a letter FROM your great great grandchildren
Write a letter to a character in a book
Write what is secret and what is shared. “No one knows…” and “Everyone knows….”
Use OXYMORON—contradictions like “dry ocean” “cruel love”
Write riddles and puzzles.
Write a ghost story
Write what you believe and what you don’t believe
Write about something that you have mixed feelings about. For example, what is something that you love and hate at the same time?
Write a “human interest story” about a really interesting person that you know.
Write an editorial about an issue that is important to you and you want others to understand better.
Write a poem that explores how you were named and the meaning of your name. Include at least one bold lie.
Describe doing something-- your hobby, eating, waking up, sleeping-- using onomatopoeia to transport the readers to your world
Write a fable—a short story about animals that behave like humans and learn a moral.
Write a story or poem about a person you love using all of your senses except for sight.
Write a poem about your New Years Resolutions. What would happen if you kept them all year? What would happen if you broke them all right away?
Remember an embarrassing conversation. Write it down as it really happened, and then rewrite it as you WISH it had really gone. Be as clever as possible.
False apologies: Apologize for things you are not actually sorry that you did.
Retell a fairy tale from an unusual point of view. Maybe from the bad-guy’s POV, or some other observer who would see things differently than the way we usually think of the story.
Write a description of a photograph that you have, and dive in to the memories.
Write about things that you will never do.
Animal questions. Think of an interesting animal. Ask it questions about how it got that way, what it thinks, what its life is like.
Try a Haiku poem.
They only use three short lines.
Five, Seven and Five.
Describe one situation from a person’s point of view, and then describe it again from an animal’s point of view.
Write the things that you know. And the things that you don’t know.
Write a love letter to things you are afraid of.
Write a prayer of thanksgiving.  Be specific and creative.
If you were a writer, what poems would you write? Make a poem that lists all of your poem topics.
Write a list of Rules for life. They can be specific, like “Rules for Parents” or general, like a list of “Never….”
Write a story about a friend, putting them in situations that would make them happy.
How have you changed since you were a small child?
What do you need, and what do you want? What don’t you want that maybe you should?