Monday, September 8, 2014

Ethical dilemma 5

Ethical dilemma-
 It was just last night where I found out that I like this boy and his name is J and there's this other boy named N and he likes me but he knows that I like J, and he doesn't want to get in the way of that. But I really like J but I also like the way N plays around. And I know that if I go out with J we would be a cute couple but an awkward couple too. But if I go out with N it would be a fun kind of couple but I just like N as a friend nothing more... What should I do? 


  1. You should use the common good approach because it's the best for the community! But you should also do what ever protects you own rights. I think that you should be with J but you should also follow whatever your heart tells you.

  2. tell kawai the person ?? Nahh
    but if you really like him , you should tell him how feel because he has the right to know . And if he doesnt like you back than at least he knows your feelings towards him

  3. Just be fair, tell them both how you feel, and if the other boy you like don't feel the same way, than you should move on to the next. Don't bother on just getting him only, there's a lot of boys in the world. Try not to let that one boy, hold you back, all because he shut you down. And the bright side is, you always have other boy, that likes you. So just be fair.
    Momi Kaahanui
    -Fairness and Justice Approach
