Monday, February 25, 2013

Love: How to make it work?

Are there ways we can avoid heartbreak? How DO you have good relationships? For teenagers:


 Here is Dr. Chapman talking about the five love languages he describes. Sometimes the way you SHOW love isn't the way they are able to FEEL loved.


 Doctor Jon Gottman can predict accurately which relationships will fail and which will succeed by looking at this ratio. How positive are you towards your friends and loved ones?

 How to build trust:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Love: Yes Please

Do we need love? And is it our brains, not our hearts that define our experiences with love?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Love? No Thanks.

Listen to this story about Joe, a kid who has decided he will never fall in love.


 What do you think? Is he right? Does love make you stupid? Is it possible to just say, "No Thanks" to the whole love thing?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Reversed Poem: Hate

What is hate? Can we reverse the habit?


The Lost Generation-- Which way is true for you and your generation?


 And anger-- can you reverse it?